Today I'll discuss about another interesting problem. Though the analysis is big, hopefully you'll find it interesting.
Problem name: Maximum Triangle Area
Problem description:
Given n distinct points on a plane, your task is to find the triangle that have the maximum area, whose vertices are from the given points.
The most obvious solution is trying all possible triangle and find out the maximum area. The complexity of that algorithm is O(n^3). Which is huge as n can be as large as 50000.
So what can we do now? An interesting fact is, we can solve this problem by only considering the points of the convex hull for the given set of points. This will work because, if there is a triangle which has a vertex A which is not in the boundary of the convex hull, there will be always a point X in convex hull such that, by moving A to X we can increase the area of the triangle. Let's see an example -
We have a set of points {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I}. The convex hull of these points consists of {D, E, F, G, H, I}. But let's claim that the largest triangle using these points is ABC. None of it's vertex is in convex hull. Let's say, BC is the base of this triangle and AP (perpendicular distance from A to BC) is the height of the triangle. So, the area of the triangle is 0.5 * BC * AP. Now draw a line parallel to the BC which goes through A. As A is inside the convex hull, you will find at least one vertex from the convex hull which is on the other side of the parallel line. Here in our example, we found D and BC are in the opposite side of the parallel line, so perpendicular distance from D to BC (DQ) is greater than AP. Hence, 0.5 * BC * AB < 0.5 * BC * DQ. So, triangle area DBC > triangle area ABC. See the following picture to make it clear -
Now, we got a triangle DBC which has larger area than ABC, but yet we have two vertices in it which are not in the convex hull. Now in the similar way considering DB as a base, and drawing a parallel line of DB which goes through C, we will find that area of DBF is greater than area of DBC. In the next step we can easily show again, that area of DBH is greater than the area of DBF. So we found that, maximum area triangle can be found using only convex hull vertices.
But if all of the given points is in the convex hull, our algorithm is still O(n ^ 3). Using the convex hull property we can improve it. Now our problem is finding the largest triangle using the vertices of a convex polygon. Let's say we have n vertices 0 to n - 1. We will try to find out three vertices A, B, C in clockwise direction from these vertices which will form the maximum triangle.
Now for a given AB, rather than iterating all of the points between B and A, to find the C, we can use ternary search to find C, as if we consider AB as a base, and iterate from the next point of B one by one, the height (of the triangle ABC) will increase in every step up to a certain vertex, and after that height will decrease in every step. This way, we can ternary search the point C for every possible AB, and the complexity will become (n ^ 2 log n), which is still not enough.
As, the analysis becoming large and large, we'll discuss the other improvements in the next part.
(Special thanks to Anna Fariha for helping me understanding some proofs of this analysis.)
Problem name: Perfect Memory
Problem source: Topcoder, SRM 513, Div 1 - 500
Link: (Log in is required to see the problem)
In this problem you have a board having N * M cells. Each cell has a symbol in it's back. Each symbol is in exactly two cells in the board. So there will be (N * M) / 2 symbols. In each move you can turn two cells one by one to see the symbols behind them. If these two symbols differ, both the cell turned back to hide the symbols again. If both the symbols are same, they will remain same and never turn back again. What is the expected number of moves to make all the symbols visible, if you have the perfect memory?
Note that, having perfect memory, you'll never forget what was the symbol in a cell which you saw, but turned back. In this problem it's guaranteed that N * M will be even.
I couldn't solve this problem in real contest. I thought in each turn both of the cells will be turned simultaneously. But in the problem statement it was clearly mentioned that, two cells will be turned one by one. It seems that I am not the only one who got this wrong.
This problem can be solved by dynamic programming. Our state will be (total, seen, turn). Here,
total = number of symbols for which both cells are not seen yet i.e. at least one cell is unseen. So we are actually considering (2 * total) cells.
seen = number of symbols partially seen i.e. number of cells of which exactly one cell is seen.
turn = Is this the first turn or second turn of the move? We know each move consists of two turns.
Initially, total = (N * M) / 2, seen = 0, and turn = FIRST.
Boundary condition: If total = 0, we don't have any symbol left to consider, so expected number will be zero.
In state (total, seen, turn), we have (total * 2 - seen) cells we didn't see yet. Lets say unseen = total * 2 - seen.
Now if the turn = FIRST, here we will always open an unseen cell and two things can happen after turning a cell on.
1. With p1 probability the cell contains a symbol which is already seen in another cell.
2. With p2 probability the cell contains a new symbol which is not visible before.
p1 = seen / unseen
p2 = 1.0 - p1
If (1) happens, we will just turn on the other symbol we already saw, and both will remain open forever. So our new state will be (total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) and one move will be completed.
If (2) happens, new state will be (total, seen + 1, SECOND)
exp_move(total, seen, FIRST) = p1 * (1 + exp_move(total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST)) +
p2 * (exp_move(total, seen + 1, SECOND)
Note that, in first option we completed a move, so added +1, but in second option move is not done yet.
If turn = SECOND, we'll open another unseen cell. Three things can happen
1. With probability p1, symbol in the SECOND turn matches with the symbol of the FIRST turn.
Here p1 = 1 / unseen
2. With probability p2, symbol in the SECOND move matches with a symbol which is previously seen, but not seen in the first turn of this move. So,
p2 = seen / unseen - p1 = (seen - 1) / unseen
3. With probability p3, symbol in the SECOND move is completely a new symbol.
p3 = 1 - p2 - p3
If (1) happens, this pair will remain visible, so our state will be (total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) and one move will be completed.
If (2) happens, this pair will be turned back, but we know both cells of the symbol of last turn. So we'll open both symbol in next move, so two moves will be completed in this case and new state will be (total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST).
If (3) happens, just another seen added. So state will be (total, seen + 1, FIRST), and one move will be completed.
exp_move(total, seen, SECOND) = p1 * ((exp_move(total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) + 1) +
p2 * ((exp_move(total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) + 2) +
p3 * ((exp_move(total, seen + 1, FIRST) + 1)
My solution in C++:
There was another problem with the same name: Counting Triangles, in which you have to count all the triangles within a grid having all the three corners in integer coordinate inside the grid. But in this problem you need not to count all of those triangles. You only need to count those triangles which are Isosceles triangle and Right triangle. Now, a triangle can have different shapes and same shaped triangle can have different rotations in the grid. We have to count them all carefully.
For simplicity, lets consider our triangle is OAB, where angle O is right angle, side OA and side OB are equal, so it fulfills both of the conditions above. lets consider the triangle such that, if we rotate OA clockwise in respect of O by 90 degrees then A will be reach to the exactly on the point B. lets consider the coordinate of A, B and O is (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) respectfully, and also consider O is in the origin, i.e. (0, 0).
Now coordinate of A is (x1, y1) if we rotate it in respect of origin, by rotation matrix of 90 degrees we will get that x2 = y1 and y2 = -x1.
Here is the equation to calculate the coordinate of B form O and A.![](file:///C:/Users/MSHOSS%7E1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg)
You can find the rotation matrix for 90 degrees here.
We know that O (here origin) is an integer coordinate. By the above equation we found that if A is integer coordinate, then B will also be integer coordinate.
So we will brute force for all the integer coordinate for A and calculate the coordinate of B. By all I mean [-X, X] for x coordinate and [-Y, Y] for y coordinate, for other values of x or y, it will definitely occupy a bounding box which is larger than the given 2D grid. So the complexity of this brute force solution is O(X * Y), which is not too big.
In our brute force we will find several triangles OAB, and coordinates of their corner (x3, y3), (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) respectfully. Can you calculate the height and weight of the bounding box of this triangle?
Yes, it's very easy. Height is H = max(y1, y2, y3) - min(y1, y2, y3), and width is W = max(x1, x2, x3) - min(y1, y2, y3).
Now we can place this bounding box in our grid if H ≤ Y and W ≤ X, otherwise it will not fit in our grid and in the same way, our triangle will not fit in the grid. If we can place the bounding box in the grid, we can easily put the lower left corner of the bounding box in (0, 0), so the upper right corner will be (W, H). So, here we found one place where we can place our triangle as well. Can we place the same triangle in another way by shifting our bounding box horizontally or vertically?
Problem name: Maximum Triangle Area
Problem description:
Given n distinct points on a plane, your task is to find the triangle that have the maximum area, whose vertices are from the given points.
The most obvious solution is trying all possible triangle and find out the maximum area. The complexity of that algorithm is O(n^3). Which is huge as n can be as large as 50000.
So what can we do now? An interesting fact is, we can solve this problem by only considering the points of the convex hull for the given set of points. This will work because, if there is a triangle which has a vertex A which is not in the boundary of the convex hull, there will be always a point X in convex hull such that, by moving A to X we can increase the area of the triangle. Let's see an example -
We have a set of points {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I}. The convex hull of these points consists of {D, E, F, G, H, I}. But let's claim that the largest triangle using these points is ABC. None of it's vertex is in convex hull. Let's say, BC is the base of this triangle and AP (perpendicular distance from A to BC) is the height of the triangle. So, the area of the triangle is 0.5 * BC * AP. Now draw a line parallel to the BC which goes through A. As A is inside the convex hull, you will find at least one vertex from the convex hull which is on the other side of the parallel line. Here in our example, we found D and BC are in the opposite side of the parallel line, so perpendicular distance from D to BC (DQ) is greater than AP. Hence, 0.5 * BC * AB < 0.5 * BC * DQ. So, triangle area DBC > triangle area ABC. See the following picture to make it clear -
Now, we got a triangle DBC which has larger area than ABC, but yet we have two vertices in it which are not in the convex hull. Now in the similar way considering DB as a base, and drawing a parallel line of DB which goes through C, we will find that area of DBF is greater than area of DBC. In the next step we can easily show again, that area of DBH is greater than the area of DBF. So we found that, maximum area triangle can be found using only convex hull vertices.
But if all of the given points is in the convex hull, our algorithm is still O(n ^ 3). Using the convex hull property we can improve it. Now our problem is finding the largest triangle using the vertices of a convex polygon. Let's say we have n vertices 0 to n - 1. We will try to find out three vertices A, B, C in clockwise direction from these vertices which will form the maximum triangle.
Now for a given AB, rather than iterating all of the points between B and A, to find the C, we can use ternary search to find C, as if we consider AB as a base, and iterate from the next point of B one by one, the height (of the triangle ABC) will increase in every step up to a certain vertex, and after that height will decrease in every step. This way, we can ternary search the point C for every possible AB, and the complexity will become (n ^ 2 log n), which is still not enough.
As, the analysis becoming large and large, we'll discuss the other improvements in the next part.
(Special thanks to Anna Fariha for helping me understanding some proofs of this analysis.)
Perfect Memory
Problem source: Topcoder, SRM 513, Div 1 - 500
Link: (Log in is required to see the problem)
In this problem you have a board having N * M cells. Each cell has a symbol in it's back. Each symbol is in exactly two cells in the board. So there will be (N * M) / 2 symbols. In each move you can turn two cells one by one to see the symbols behind them. If these two symbols differ, both the cell turned back to hide the symbols again. If both the symbols are same, they will remain same and never turn back again. What is the expected number of moves to make all the symbols visible, if you have the perfect memory?
Note that, having perfect memory, you'll never forget what was the symbol in a cell which you saw, but turned back. In this problem it's guaranteed that N * M will be even.
I couldn't solve this problem in real contest. I thought in each turn both of the cells will be turned simultaneously. But in the problem statement it was clearly mentioned that, two cells will be turned one by one. It seems that I am not the only one who got this wrong.
This problem can be solved by dynamic programming. Our state will be (total, seen, turn). Here,
total = number of symbols for which both cells are not seen yet i.e. at least one cell is unseen. So we are actually considering (2 * total) cells.
seen = number of symbols partially seen i.e. number of cells of which exactly one cell is seen.
turn = Is this the first turn or second turn of the move? We know each move consists of two turns.
Initially, total = (N * M) / 2, seen = 0, and turn = FIRST.
Boundary condition: If total = 0, we don't have any symbol left to consider, so expected number will be zero.
In state (total, seen, turn), we have (total * 2 - seen) cells we didn't see yet. Lets say unseen = total * 2 - seen.
Now if the turn = FIRST, here we will always open an unseen cell and two things can happen after turning a cell on.
1. With p1 probability the cell contains a symbol which is already seen in another cell.
2. With p2 probability the cell contains a new symbol which is not visible before.
p1 = seen / unseen
p2 = 1.0 - p1
If (1) happens, we will just turn on the other symbol we already saw, and both will remain open forever. So our new state will be (total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) and one move will be completed.
If (2) happens, new state will be (total, seen + 1, SECOND)
exp_move(total, seen, FIRST) = p1 * (1 + exp_move(total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST)) +
p2 * (exp_move(total, seen + 1, SECOND)
Note that, in first option we completed a move, so added +1, but in second option move is not done yet.
If turn = SECOND, we'll open another unseen cell. Three things can happen
1. With probability p1, symbol in the SECOND turn matches with the symbol of the FIRST turn.
Here p1 = 1 / unseen
2. With probability p2, symbol in the SECOND move matches with a symbol which is previously seen, but not seen in the first turn of this move. So,
p2 = seen / unseen - p1 = (seen - 1) / unseen
3. With probability p3, symbol in the SECOND move is completely a new symbol.
p3 = 1 - p2 - p3
If (1) happens, this pair will remain visible, so our state will be (total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) and one move will be completed.
If (2) happens, this pair will be turned back, but we know both cells of the symbol of last turn. So we'll open both symbol in next move, so two moves will be completed in this case and new state will be (total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST).
If (3) happens, just another seen added. So state will be (total, seen + 1, FIRST), and one move will be completed.
exp_move(total, seen, SECOND) = p1 * ((exp_move(total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) + 1) +
p2 * ((exp_move(total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) + 2) +
p3 * ((exp_move(total, seen + 1, FIRST) + 1)
My solution in C++:
#include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <cctype> #include <algorithm> #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <queue> #include <cstring> #include <set> #include <ctime> #include <cfloat> using namespace std; typedef long long i64; #define I64 "%lld" #define rep(i,n) for (i=0; i < (n); ++i) #define all(c) (c).begin(),(c).end() bool done[1500][1500][2]; double memo[1500][1500][2]; enum{FIRST = 0, SECOND}; double exp_move(int total, int seen, int turn) { double &ret = memo[total][seen][turn]; if (done[total][seen][turn]) return ret; done[total][seen][turn] = true; int unseen = total * 2 - seen; if (total == 0) return ret = 0; ret = 0.; // open one unseen cell randomly if (turn == FIRST) { double p1 = 0, p2 = 0; // Probability of it's pair is already seen is p1 if (seen > 0) { p1 = (double) seen / (double) unseen; ret += p1 * (exp_move(total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) + 1); } // Probability of it's pair is not seen yet is p2 if (unseen > seen) { p2 = 1.0 - p1; ret += p2 * (exp_move(total, seen + 1, SECOND)); } } else { double p1 = 0, p2 = 0, p3 = 0; // Probability of it's pair is already open is p1 p1 = (double) 1 / (double) unseen; ret += p1 * (exp_move(total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) + 1); // Probability of it's pair is seen but not open is p2 if (seen > 1) { p2 = (double) (seen - 1) / (double) unseen; ret += p2 * (exp_move(total - 1, seen - 1, FIRST) + 2); } // Probability of it's pair is unseen is p3 if (unseen > seen) { p3 = 1.0 - p1 - p2; ret += p3 * (exp_move(total, seen + 1, FIRST) + 1); } } return ret; } class PerfectMemory { public: double getExpectation(int N, int M) { return exp_move((N * M) / 2, 0, FIRST); }
I'm going to discuss the analysis of
the problem Counting
triangles here.
Problem description is very short:
Problem description is very short:
Consider a 2D integer grid with
lower left corner at (0, 0) and upper right corner at (X, Y). We are interested
in isosceles right triangles which all the 3 corners at the grid node (integer
coordinates). Your task is to count the number of those triangles.
There was another problem with the same name: Counting Triangles, in which you have to count all the triangles within a grid having all the three corners in integer coordinate inside the grid. But in this problem you need not to count all of those triangles. You only need to count those triangles which are Isosceles triangle and Right triangle. Now, a triangle can have different shapes and same shaped triangle can have different rotations in the grid. We have to count them all carefully.
For simplicity, lets consider our triangle is OAB, where angle O is right angle, side OA and side OB are equal, so it fulfills both of the conditions above. lets consider the triangle such that, if we rotate OA clockwise in respect of O by 90 degrees then A will be reach to the exactly on the point B. lets consider the coordinate of A, B and O is (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) respectfully, and also consider O is in the origin, i.e. (0, 0).
Now coordinate of A is (x1, y1) if we rotate it in respect of origin, by rotation matrix of 90 degrees we will get that x2 = y1 and y2 = -x1.
Here is the equation to calculate the coordinate of B form O and A.
You can find the rotation matrix for 90 degrees here.
We know that O (here origin) is an integer coordinate. By the above equation we found that if A is integer coordinate, then B will also be integer coordinate.
So we will brute force for all the integer coordinate for A and calculate the coordinate of B. By all I mean [-X, X] for x coordinate and [-Y, Y] for y coordinate, for other values of x or y, it will definitely occupy a bounding box which is larger than the given 2D grid. So the complexity of this brute force solution is O(X * Y), which is not too big.
In our brute force we will find several triangles OAB, and coordinates of their corner (x3, y3), (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) respectfully. Can you calculate the height and weight of the bounding box of this triangle?
Yes, it's very easy. Height is H = max(y1, y2, y3) - min(y1, y2, y3), and width is W = max(x1, x2, x3) - min(y1, y2, y3).
Now we can place this bounding box in our grid if H ≤ Y and W ≤ X, otherwise it will not fit in our grid and in the same way, our triangle will not fit in the grid. If we can place the bounding box in the grid, we can easily put the lower left corner of the bounding box in (0, 0), so the upper right corner will be (W, H). So, here we found one place where we can place our triangle as well. Can we place the same triangle in another way by shifting our bounding box horizontally or vertically?
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